
How should the Electromagnetic Separator be maintained on a daily basis


The Electromagnetic Separator has a white range of uses, and can be used to remove weak magnetic oxides, chipped iron scales and other polluttants in fine powdery materials. The equipment is suitable for pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries. Its main components include housings, electromagnetic coils, iron cores, magnetic pole filling materials, junction boxes and other structural components. The operator of the iron remover should understand the composition of the equipment and relevant operating instructions, and do maintenance work in daily use.

The daily maintenance of Electromagnetic Separator mainly includes the following points:

  1. When in use, pay attention to clean  up the grease, dust, coal dust and sticky iron on the iron belt at any time to keep the equipment in normal, use.

  2. Check the gear reducer, bearing block, etc. There is no abnormal, timely refusing, oil.

  3. Check the connection of the iron remover suspension parts of the bolts, wire rope clips, etc. timely tightening adjustment work.

  4. Should pay attention to at any time to check whether the iron remover is misaligned , timely proofreaiding.

  5. Check the power cord is aging damage, timely replacement and maintenance.

  6. Inspect the wear condition of the iron remover regularly and adjust and replace it if necessary.