
Four factors affecting the magnetic separation effect of magnetic separation equipment

To achieve the desired magnetic separation effect, we must first understand what factors will affect the magnetic separation effect of the magnetic separator, so that we can pay more attention during the operation process, so as to obtain a good selection index.

The working principle of the magnetic separator is that when the ore pulp enters the separation area, the magnetic ore particles are magnetized under the action of the uneven magnetic field, attracted by the magnetic field attraction on the cylinder of the magnetic separator , and then brought to the discharge end, discharged into magnetic products : Non-magnetic ore particles are less affected by the field and remain in the pulp, discharged as paid magnetic products.


1) Affecting factor one: the size of the feeder particle size of the magnetic separator

Ore feeding particle size is an important factor affecting the sorting effect of magnetic separator. For most ores, the size of the ore feeding particlesize means the degree of separation of the ore monomers, that is the degree of separation between the magnetic ore particles and some gangue minerals. If the particle size of the ore fed into the magnetic  separator is small, it indicates that the ore mononmer is highly separated, and it is easy to obtain a satisfactory selection index: if the particle size of the ore fed into the magnetic separator is coarse, it indicates that the ore has not been sufficiently dissociated, and the particle  size of the magnetic ore still combined with some gangue minerals, this contiguous body directly affects the beneficiation  index and reduces the concentrate grade. Therefore, the particle size of the ore fed into the magnetic separator must be fully separated.

2) Affecting factor two: the concentration of pulp in the magnetic separator

The slurry concentration here mainly refers to the graded overflow concentration. If the concentration of the slurry is too large, the separation concentration is too high. At this time, the concentrate particles are easily covered and wrapped by the fine gangue particles, which makes it difficult to separate the two and seriously affect the concentrate grade. If the concentration of the slurry is too small, it  means that the separation concentration casuses an increase in the flow rate and shortens the separation time, so that some fine magnetic particles that could be recovered enter the tailings and are discarded. Generally, the concentration of feed slurry can not exceed 35%, and is conralled at about 30%. Of course, each dressing plant still needs to be specifically determined according to its own magnetic separation requirements and actual conditions.

3) Influencing factor three: the size of the magnetic system declination of the magnetic separator 

Generally, the magnetic declination indicating device is located on the shaft head near the transmission side, and the size of the declination of the magnetic declination system can be adjusted by adjusting the nut. The effect of the magnetic declination angle is mainly reflected in the concentrate quality and recovery rate. Taking a permanent magnetic separator as an example, the magnetic system has a small reflection angle, and the particles with smaller magnetism have the opportunity to be selected, which helps to improve the recovery rate and reduce the tailings taste. The magnetic system has a large deflection angle, only the magnetic. The ore particles can be sorted out to improve the quantity of the concentrate to a certain extent.

4) Influencing factor four: the speed of the magnetic separator 

The speed of the magnetic separator mainly has a great influence on the processing and solution ability of the magnetic separator, and then has a certain influence on the quality of the concentrate. At a high speed, the processing capacity of the magnetic separator is large. At the same time, even the less magnetic contings and gangue minerals are not easy to sort out. Only the ore particles with higher magnetism can be sorted out, which affects the quantity of the concentrate.

Of course, in production practice, the factors that affect the sorting effect of the magnetic separator are far more than the above four points.

Magnetic separation experts suggest that before purchasing magnetic separation equipment, each mine owner should consult with a professional magnetic separation machine manufacturer and combine with their own ore properties, plant selection conditions and investment costs to obtain the ideal magnetic separation equipment sorting parameters to correctly guide the operation of the magnetic separator and obtain the ideal sorting effect.

Guangdong Wanjiade magnetic separation equipment manufacturer provides foreign customers with high-quality magnetic separators, iron removal equipment and other products.